Hannabee's Jake/Bella wallpapers

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Jake/Bella -1st Beach

1st Beach

another one of those
'just a little closer' manips,
school grounds exchanged
for the beach, no chance
of Ed intruding here *eg*

Jake/Bella - Beach walk

Beach Walk

the way it's supposed to
be... if there was ever a
really warm and sunny
day at the beach

Jake/Bella - Flesh & Cloth

Flesh & Cloth

crucial moment, so hush,
do not disturb them

Jake/Bella - Full Moon

Full Moon

pretty simple & certainly
not the best, but hey, no
Ed, that has to count for

Jake/Bella - Garage


created when there
weren't enough pics of
Bella in profile around

Jake/Bella - La Push

La Push

just a little closer
than the original ;o)

Jake/Bella - Woods


similar to a NM promo
pic, but I found a better
background (didn't I?)

Original content © 2010-2021 Hannahbee